LMU Intermediate Micro - 3100

This is the course website for LMU Economics 3100. This page will be continuously updated throughout the semester. Please check it regularly. 3100 focuses on the formal analysis of the behavior of individuals and firms and how they interact.

There will be one midterm and a final exam. They are tentatively placed in the schedule below. Grading will be based 40% on the midterm exam, 40% on the final exam, and 20% on homework.


The Academic Honesty policies apply to this course. For policies regarding accommodations and disabilities, please see the DSS website.


Class Meetings:

Section 01: Tuesday/Thursday 9:55-11:35 (UNH 3222)

Section 02: Monday/Wednesday 9:55-11:35 (Pereira 140)

Greg's office hours: Monday 8:55-9:55 or Thursday 11:35-12:35pm in University Hall 4225 or by Appointment.


Course Notes (Updated 1/10/2025)


1/17/2025 Copy Editing Chapters 1-3.

Problem Sets

There will be a problem set due roughly every two weeks. You can turn in your problem sets on the due date by submitting a scan on brightspace. The exercises are available in a dedicated section of course notes Please check the table of contents for a hyperlink to the exercises. Solutions will be posted shortly after the due date.

Problem Set 1. Exercises from Chapters 1-3. Due: TBA

Problem Set 2. Exercises from Chapters 4-5. Due: TBA

Problem Set 3. Exercises from Chapters 6-7. Due: TBA

Problem Set 4. Exercises from Chapters 8-10. Due: TBA

Problem Set 5. Exercises from Chapters 11-12. Due: TBA

Problem Set 6. Exercises from Chapters 13-15. Due: TBA

Problem Set 7. Exercises from Chapters 16-17. Due: TBA


Week 1 (1/13): Calculus (Appendix A), Bundles & Budget (Chapter 1)

Raw Notes: 1/13, 1/14, 1/15, 1/16

MLK Holiday (No Class 1/20)

Week 2 (1/20): Bundles & Budget (Chapter 1), Binary Relations (Chapter 2)

Week 3 (1/27): Binary Relations (Chapter 2), Preferences (Chapter 3)

Week 4 (2/3): Utility (Chapter 4), Choice (Chapter 5)

Week 5 (2/10): Choice (Chapter 5), Demand (Chapter 6)

Week 6 (2/17): Slutsky Decomposition (Chapter 7), Buying/Selling (Chapter 8)

Week 7 (2/24): Intertemporal Choice (Chapter 9). Market Demand (Chapter 10)

Week 8 (3/3): Spring Break Week

Week 9 (3/10): Review & Midterm

Midterm (3/12 & 3/13) Covers Chapters 1-10

Week 10 (3/17): Equilibrium (Chapter 11)

Week 10 (3/24): Technology and Production (Chapter 12)

Cesar Chavez Day (No Class 3/31)

Week 10 (3/31): Cost Minimization/Profit Maximization (Chapter 13)

Week 11 (4/7): Monopoly (Chapter 14), Monopoly Behavior (Chapter 15)

Week 12 (4/14): Oligopoly (Chapter 16)

Easter (No Class 4/16,4/17)

Week 13 (4/21): Externalities (Chapter 17)

Week 14 (4/28): Spill-over Week

Week 15 (5/4): Review